Tuesday, 17 January 2012


   Having hard all to do with all my talents l have decided to do all that my hands can do and my mind and think up.
Rock Artist.
Fashion designer.
Event planner.

          and am still counting all that l can do am on, after all l can then why not.
Its ALL what goes on with you and at the end of the day its YOU

Friday, 13 January 2012


Wooh! reading the bible is one way to always read and know you will always feel better l have embarked on reading it everyday .2012 ..

 At the all of yesterday l spent the whole day with my mum , she just had fun shes back from her Trip. wEll she gave the conversation it was fabolous .....hmmm ended up dont going to the beach but my day was well spent.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012



Hmmm well it iS all cul, you know just finished half of my single a very good rock song. WeLl you know life is with lots of definition its all about how you make it ,my view is follow what holyspirit speaks to my heart ,,and its all good to go.
Well am heading for comedy to have some laughs it 2012..have always done this on Wednesdays. YoU see my boss also has refused to accept my resignation letter.. l dont know wha to say to him anymore ,hes just emailed me again .
How hell no will talk later I lOVE yOu better go foe comedy before its so late for me .,
Am off
Who saYs you can`t go to the beach on aThursday .....am Going there after all there is no work ofr me tomorrow.


LIFE & LOVE aint gat one definition.

Hmm... . missed you yesterday how did l forget. oh yeah WaS watching a movie.
Impossibel things ahahah
Ok Well l remembered that;
    After a while we get to learn the difference that lOve doeSn`t Mean leaning and Company doesn`T mEan seCurity.
Kisses aren`t conTracts and presents aren`T  pRomises.
Begin to Accept your defeat with the Gracce of an AdUlt not The grief Of a child.
LeArn to build all your Roads on ToDay because tomoRrow`s ground is so uncertain for pLans.
EvEry sunshine burns if you get too much.
So PlAnt your OwN garDen and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you FloWERS.     
                                                                                    WhitNey GRace NaJ   <7:5:7> 

Monday, 9 January 2012

I just ran into a my old friend , decided to go for coffee you know.... its feels so good and real and am asking myself why l haven`t done such for so long.
Am quitting my old job for another job of the same field.
TOUGH decision to make.. but kl have to take a great risk to achieve great achievement.


Life is about you... and those around you, so we make it workout the way we want , by fighting for what we beleive is our PURPOSE.